Having Fluid Concerns With Grinder And Mixer Complications? What To Consider Now

Posted on: 18 September 2018


If you run a shop or plant and you are mixing chemicals to get fluids and the fluids aren't at the right density or consistency, there are a lot of things that you will want to think about. The problem could be a variety of things, from the machines that you are using to the grinding media beads and more. Here are some of the things that you want to look into, so you can fix the problem quickly and start running the shop more efficiently.

Get the Best Grinding Media

Make sure you are using the right type of grinding balls to get the fluid consistency that you want. When talking with the professionals about what you need, consider these things:

  • Change in physical and chemical compatibility
  • Density and diameter of the beads based on mixing system strength
  • Cost of beads and budget efficiency

The experts can help you determine what beads are the best match for what you need to get the fluids right, and what the budget is you should stay in.

Upgrade Your Mixer

The unit you are using to mix the grinding media beads and the fluids in the machine may be problematic and have issues. Consider upgrading your mixer and even look at magnetic or static mixing options, if you think that the tools used for grinding the beads aren't mixing with enough consistency. If the mixer isn't working as well as it could be, this could be the source of all your problems.

Evaluate Mixtures and Chemicals

Another problem could be the chemicals that you are using. If they are outdated, were contaminated in storage, or if they aren't the highest quality choice on the market, then you want to look at new options. Get prices for new chemicals and run some test batches to see if these are a better option with your new grinding media balls.

You want to be wasting time and money by throwing out grinding supplies and mixtures, and getting fluids that aren't going to work as needed because they aren't the desired product. Talk with the experts to find out what products you could be using that would be better, and to find out what changes you have to make with the machines and chemicals to get the fluids that you need out on the shop floor. This change is worth the investment to get the fluid product you need. Contact a company, like STR Industries, for more help.